Photo Editing / Transformation Services
At The Foto Finisher, we can improve your existing property photographs through our transformation services, which can add more detail and color while adjusting for exposure imbalances. Our service can also correct for perspective distortion, add in sky, lawns and other desired improvements, and in some cases, remove unwanted items. Check out the examples below to get a better idea of the ways we can improve your property images.
The level of improvement varies from photo to photo, however, the service is RISK-FREE! We will send you a proof of your transformed image before paying so that you can decide if it's what you want. Best of all, the cost is just $29 per image!
Our service can also eliminate unwanted shadows on many images. The cost starts at $29 per image, depending on the work required.
Call us at (310) 836-8238 or email your image (s) to us at Info@TheFotoFinisher.com with a note as to what you'd like done. We'll get back to you within 24 hours. (Scroll down to view background photo).

Adjust photo for exposure,
color and detail.

Add lawn / landscaping.

Add sky.

Remove banners and other
unwanted objects.

Remove unwanted shadows.

Correct perspective distortion.

This photo ©Allen Wolfsheimer / The Foto Finisher. Use by permission only.