About Us
The Foto Finisher was started by Allen Wolfsheimer to provide affordable photo services to real estate professionals looking for attractive, high-quality images for their property marketing needs -- such as emails, websites, listings, brochures, and press releases.
Allen, a life-long photographer, has over 20 years experience with real estate media organizations, having been publisher at Rentv.com, the California Real Estate Journal and the annual Office Market Journal for BOMA of Greater Los Angeles. Allen's background has included taking, selecting and editing property photographs for publication.
At The Foto Finisher, we offer a low, flat rate to photograph your properties throughout most parts of Southern California and provide you with a package of attractive, high-resolution images that you can use for all of your marketing needs. Or, we can also tweak your existing images through our transformation services for a very nominal charge.
Please email us at info@TheFotoFinisher.com or call (310) 836-8238 to learn more about our services.
Scroll down to view background photo. To see examples of other work by Allen, please visit www.allenwolfsheimer.com.
This photo ©Allen Wolfsheimer / The Foto Finisher. Use by permission only.